In 2013, we observed a notable cultural shift in corporate America. Young female millennials began making career decisions that differed significantly from previous generations. We were the first to predict a substantial rise in female entrepreneurship among millennial women. These women were set to become the first generation of billion-dollar CEOs en masse, creating industries driven by their gender.
Thought Leadership | Cultural Immersion™ | Insights | Vision
"The hyper rise of female entrepreneurship is a bold new way to look at the way women can rise to the top by going around the glass ceiling and leading from from the top down."
- Serena Saitas
We predicted that this cohort of women would move away from “leaning in” to create a cultural movement where female bosses bypass the glass ceiling and lead from the top down. We interviewed Jen Rubio and Steph Korey of Away, and Katia Beauchamp of Birchbox.
From 2013 to 2016, we conducted over a hundred interviews with millennial women. We designed a model to demonstrate the rise of female millennial entrepreneurship. We launched the first quantitative study in the U.S. focused on female millennial entrepreneurs. Lastly, we conducted over 50 in-depth interviews with female millennial founders, many of whom now run hundred-million and billion-dollar brands.
Our prediction was confirmed—millennial women founders were breaking stereotypes and becoming influential change agents. They were leaving corporate America, and their career attitudes and behaviors were vastly different from media and corporate portrayals. These women were becoming heads of households and inspiring other millennial leaders.